Arhiv 2016

Construction of Ecological Project


Construction of Ecological Project

"Country Style Convention Center YMCA Moldova"

Old Orhei

"YMCA Moldova and YMCA-Voievod Moldova" NGO






Head of the organization:

Contact person:    

Republic of Moldova, Old Orhei, Trebujeni Village,

+373 69 367428, +373 69 706051 

Igor Sirbu, President of YMCA Moldova

Nicolae Pascaru, Secretary General of YMCA Moldova







The Public Associations: “National Alliance of YMCA Moldova” and “YMCA-Voievod Moldova” was created in 1992 to support all-around personal development and promote a healthy life style among children and the young. “Voievod Movement” is has branches in Chisinau, Tiraspol, Balti, Ribnita, Cimislia, Orhei and Criuleni.

In 2015, the National Alliance of YMCA Moldova concluded a contract on the construction of the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” and for using the center for 99 years long rent-free. The organization commits itself to organizing the operation of the center and to performing works under the National Alliance of YMCA Moldova development program.

A commission made of the President of the National Alliance YMCA Moldova – Igor Sirbu, the Secretary General – Nicolae Pascaru and the Vice-President of the National Alliance YMCA Moldova – Serghei Stoler, is responsible for the activities of the center.

On the land allotted to the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova”, we mean to create a “Youth Centre” to carry out the following kinds of activities:

  • organization of camps;
  • trainings and seminars;
  • organization of family vacations;
  • provision of other kind of services for the young people to spend their spare time and relax (including the ones that will be paid for through an established business structure).


At this moment in time, it is quite difficult to organize any events on the territory of the “Youth Centre” because buildings need to be raised and land planning is necessary.

The strategic objectives of the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” for 2015-2017 are the following:

  • increase the number of cultural and educational events targeting the multilateral development of children and young people, and to also hold summer camps on the territory of the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” in Trebujeni village;
  • increase the volume and the number of tackled topics within the programs on the activities of children and young people of all of the branches of YMCA Moldova and YMCA-Voievod;
  • Increase financial stability up to 50% by making the center in Trebujeni Village available for the carrying out of cultural and educational events by other NGOs, for family leisure and provision of hotel services.


To reach the strategic objectives of the organization and to provide quality services to the customers of “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova”, it is imperative to build the center and make improvements to the surrounding territory.

For a more efficient use of time, construction of the "Youth Center" will be divided into 4 buildings, and taking into consideration also the improvement of the adjoining territory, it is planned to be carried out in 5 stages:

1st stage – Construction of the 1st building:

Design work and space planning decisions defining will start. It will be made an outline of the project, which is needed to start the initial activities. Construction of the boundary fence and the first building will begin. The main working project of the entire complex will be carried out during the first phase of work.

2nd stage – Construction of the 2nd building:

After the construction of the first building, the concrete works will continue on the site of the second building. In parallel, in the first building will be completed work on the roofing and utility networks (water, heating and electrical). At this stage will be carried out major concrete work on the construction of the second building, and will be completed all the work on the first one, the installation of windows and doors. It will be carried out work on improvement of adjacent territory for the first building to its main purpose. After equipping with furniture, in the first building it will be possible to accommodate up to 12 people.

3rd stage – Construction of the 3rd building:

At the same time will be completed roofing 2nd building will be laid utilities and performed the installation of windows and doors. By the end of the third stage it is planned to complete all the work of the 2nd building. After equipping with furniture, in the second building it will be possible to accommodate up to 20 people. In the basement of the 1st and 2nd buildings will be organized cellar and sauna, as well as a temporary kitchen with dining area. During the improvement the land plot will be cleared, with a green zone with lighted walkways, decorative flower garden and fruit trees. Adjacent area allows organizing a tent camp with the placement for more than 1,000 tents. The picturesque rocky landscape is perfect for the organization of tourist trails for the Scouts. On the river "Raut", that adjoins to the site will be organized a beach area with a bridge and dock for boats. There will be an integrated sports area for outdoor games and gymnastic exercises.

4th stage – Construction of the 4th building:

There will be finalized construction of the 3rd building, the largest one. It will be installed roof, will be laid utilities and performed the installation of windows and doors. By the end of the 4th stage it is planned to complete all the work on the 3rd block. In this unit will be placed the main rooms for complex servicing the complex: on the ground floor will be available a dining room in the medieval style, where can be hold activities with accommodation for up to 120 visitors, in the first floor - a conference hall and administrative offices; the rooms are arranged in a two-level loft, it's planned that this rooms will accommodate up to 70 people.

5th stage - Construction of the swimming pool:

There will be finalized construction of the 4th building and start construction a swimming pool. All facilities will be supplemented with furniture and equipment. As constructions will be completed, we will proceed to the improvement of the adjoining territory.



The required amount of funding (EUR) for the construction and improvement:




Expenses planning





a) Price of the land

20 000 €

b) Design work and registration of documents

8 000 €

c) Construction of the 1st building (all kind of construction works)

18 000 €



Construction of the 2nd building

23 000 €



Construction of the 3rd building

50 000 €



Construction of the 4th building

15 000 €



a) Construction of the swimming pool

10 000

b) Furniture

20 000

c) Equipment


d) Improvement of the adjoining territory

15 000





187 000



Expected Outcomes


As a result of the construction and improvement works performed for the “Youth Centre” in the village of Trebujeni in the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova”:

  • new long-term educational programs will be developed (implying a long period of study), as well as new kinds of recreational activities that contribute to the physical development of the young and to keeping the health up, all of them answering to the needs of the local community;
  • the number of attendees at cultural and educational events will increase, which will subsequently improve the quality of these events;
  • there will be an increase in the number of partnership projects and programs carried out together with NGOs from other towns of Moldova and with international organizations;
  • organization’s financial situation will stabilize to a greater extent owing to the many different sources of income and to the increase of the share of own revenues (through the established trade structure).


As a result of the construction and improvement works performed for the “Youth Centre” in the village of Trebujeni, the local civil society shall obtain:

  • fully functional site for the carrying out of local public initiatives – school camps, conferences for educational institutions, exhibitions of local artists etc, and a place for cooperation with non-profit organizations – meetings with the representatives of non-profit organizations, round tables, leaders school, ecological trails, museum of history of Moldavian non-profit organizations etc.;
  • stable relationships with representatives of non-profit organizations and of the public sector from other countries by using the opportunities of the “Youth Centre” for Couch Surfing and international projects;
  • an additional tourist resort area providing the possibility of economical accommodation of tourists travelling across Moldova, which will contribute to multicultural communication and promotion of YMCA-Voievod as a whole as a tourist destination;
  • a tourist camp for family out-of-town holiday for the members of the organization and all Moldovan citizens, bicycles, sports equipment;
  • sources of income and resources for the village: land improvements, reasonable individual volunteer assistance, and wages for the locals working in the “Youth Centre”.


Besides that, as a result of the performed construction and improvement works for the “Youth Centre” in the village of Trebujeni, the local business community will be provided with a coworking center (joint work on a project/problem) under appropriate conditions for that, and also with a center of organizational assistance (training in project management, leadership, conflict management etc.).



General Information about the Project Initiator


Name of the organization: The National Alliance of YMCA Moldova” and “YMCA-Voievod Moldova”

Adress: Republic of Moldova, Old Orhei, Village of Tribujeni


Telephone-fax: +373 69 367428, +373 69 706051

Head of Organization (Chairman of the Board): Igor Sirbu


Asociaţia Obştească Alianţa Naţională YMCA din Republica Moldova
Address: Republica Moldova, mun. Chişinău, str. Alexandru cel Bun 83
Tel.:  +373 69 367428, +373 69 706051, e-mail:, website:

IDNO: 1010620003504

Bank address: Republica Moldova, mun. Chişinău, str. Tighina 23/3
Tel.: +373 22 858000, Fax: +373 22 858080, e-mail:, website:  

IBAN: MD36EN000000222415630845



The Board manages the “National Alliance of YMCA Moldova”, the Chairperson of the Board is chosen out of its members.

The Board, its Chairperson, and the Audit Commission are elected at the Conference of delegates from all branches of the organization.

The Board can hire staff members. Anyone who wants to join the organization acknowledges its statute, wishes to participate in the activities of the organization, and pays the membership fee can become a member of it. 

The mission of YMCA Moldova and YMCA Voievod is to support multilateral all-around personal development and promote a healthy life style.



The main goals of the organization are the following:

a)  comprehensive development of people;

b)  constantly cater for equal opportunities and justice for all;

c)  consolidate good neighborly relations and mutual understanding among people;

d)  create an ambiance of honesty, openness and creativity;

e)  assist in the physical education of the members of the organization and or the participants to its programs;

f)   support and educate tolerance, non-violent ways of settling problems, respect for human values;

g)  cooperate with public institutions and NGOs on issues that correspond to the goals and objectives of the "YMCA Europe"



Main types of activities:

  • Organizing leisure of children and young people;
  • Develop cultural and educational programs;
  • Promote a healthy life style and organize the physically active leisure of young people.



Analysis of the activity of the “Youth Centre”

in the Village of Trebujenifor 2015


In 2015, the Secretary General of the “National Alliance of YMCA Moldova”, passed the territory gratuitously to build the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” in the historical region of Moldova – Old Orhei, on the territory of which the “Youth Centre” is planned to be located.

In 2015, 3 adjacent territory cleaning events took place:

  1. In May, all the garbage was collected. The overgrown bushes around the territory were cut down. The garbage was disposed of.
  2. In June, the grass on the territory of the “Youth Centre” was mowed and collected.    The shoots were cut down and the weed was thinned on the entire perimeter of the site. The work on putting the fence up started, and the foundation of the buildings was laid.
  3. During July-August, a labor scout camp will be organized. Construction works will be performed, and the territory will be made more beautiful: The shore-line of Raut River, adjacent to the “Youth Centre”, will be cleaned.



Strategic Objectives and the Description

of the Planned Servicesfor 2015-2017


The strategic objectives of the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” for the coming 3 years are the following:

  • increase the number of cultural and educational events targeting the multilateral development of children and young people, and to also hold summer camps on the territory of the “Youth Centre” in Moldova;
  • increase the volume and the number of tackled topics within the programs on the activities of children and young people of all of the branches of “YMCA Moldova and Voievod Program”;
  • consolidate the trade structure;
  • increase the financial stability of the organization and the share of “Youth Centre” revenue-based financing up to 50% by making the territory available to other NGOs    for the organization of educational events and by providing accommodation services (through the established trade structure).



Services and kind of activities that the “Youth Centre” in Trebujeni Village is planning to provide/carry out:

  1. Seminars in the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova”. Cultural and educational programs promoting healthy life style, youth leadership development, youth exchange programs.

    Target groups: children and teenagers, volunteers, members of the organization from different towns of Moldova, CIS and EU countries.

    The plan is to hold at least 20 seminars a year for groups made of 15-30 persons.

  2. Provide a place for educational activities to other NGOs. Target group: NGOs from Moldova.The plan is to hold at least 2 seminars a month for groups made of 15-30 persons.
  3. Summer camps. Organize the leisure of children and teenagers during summer.

    Target group: children and teenagers from 10 to 16 years old.

    We plan to organize one two-weeks-long summer camp for a group made of 25-30 persons.

    The “YMCA Moldova and YMCA-Voievod” branches from other towns also plan to organize such camps all the year round.

  4. Accommodation services.

a) Target group: “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” partners, participants of the seminars.

The plan is to make the accommodation of 15-45 persons a month possible on the territory of the “Youth Centre” during the cultural and educational events, summer camps, and other activities that the organization may carry out according to its program.

b) Target group: families of the “YMCA Moldova” members, Orhei District inhabitants.

It is planned that during the year, families with children shall spend their leisure time on the territory of the YC: family weekend day tour on Raut River – 3-4 families a month.

5. An annual festival.

Target group: the local community, guests of our country, “YMCA Moldova” members, volunteers and partners.

The plan is to organize every August, on the territory of the “Youth Centre”, a music festival, the purpose of which would be to establish a peaceful coexistence between nations and religions in Moldova. The international “Gustar” festival which takes place for the 4th year already.

6. Transportation (transfer) services and other services.

Target group: the local community, guests of our country, “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova” members, volunteers and partners.

The plan is to make the “Youth Centre”,  transport available for rent or give it for use gratuitously when not employed for the immediate needs of the “Youth Centre”,.

We also plan to provide to the guests and holidayers rental services for cars, boats, skis and other sports equipment.

On this line, given the aforementioned, to reach the strategic objectives of the organization and to provide quality services to the customers of the “Country style convention center YMCA Moldova”, it is imperative to build the four buildings and make improvements to the surrounding territory.




  1. Site layout plan
  2. Plan of the buildings
  3. View-1 of the “Youth Centre”
  4. View-2 of the “Youth Centre”
  5. Start of construction - foto progress of the “Youth Centre”



1. Site layout plan

Adress: Republic of Moldova, Old Orhei, Village of Tribujeni



2. Plan of the buildings



3. View-1 of the “Youth Centre



4. View-2 of the “Youth Centre



5. Start of construction - foto progress of the “Youth Centre”


























Resurse Recomandate

imagine despre federatie

Report Polonia 2008

imagine despre federatie

Report Seminar RON

  • Voteaza Cel mai bun sportiv
  • Campania Noi - moldovenii
  • Bogdania.MD

  • Voievod inscriere
  • orarul antrenamentelor
  • Parteneri

  • Controlul medical
  • Guvernul Tinerilor din Republica Moldova
  • orarul antrenamentelor
  • WTKA
  • Acte de caritate