Arhiv 2011

YMCA chosen to speak to the UN General Assembly on behalf of the Youth of the World

The National Alliance of YMCA Moldova

Alianţa Naţională YMCA din Republica Moldova

Romulo Dantas, Executive Secretary - Youth Empowerment

The YMCA was appointed by the President of the 65th General Assembly to deliver the speech on behalf of the youth of the world during the opening ceremony of the High-Level Meeting on Youth on July 25th,in New York, USA.

This important meeting marks the end of the International Year of Youth.

The worldwide YMCA is strongly focused on Youth. At its world headquarters the YMCA has employed an Executive Secretary for Youth Empowerment, Romulo Dantas, from Brazil, who is 29 years old. He will deliver the speech next Monday.

“When I was given this position with the YMCA my dream was to tell the world about the critical issues for young people and now I have the chance to speak from the podium of the United Nations”, says Romulo.

From one of the poorest and most violent areas of São Paulo, Brazil, In the 90’s, Romulo invested 14 years in working with YMCA as volunteer and staff. He is an example of someone who might have become a gang-member, drug-addict or, as some of his old friends, dead.

Romulo will share the platform with Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of UN and Josepf Deiss, former President of Switzerland and current President of the UN General Assembly.

“YMCA taught me that I could do incredible things and I learned how to be a leader and an active citizen by participating in civic education programmes, camps and sports, but also volunteering in my own community.”

"I had no self-esteem or self-confidence before joining the YMCA. Even with a great family, you need other reference in your life. The YMCA became mine.”

Heads of States, Ministers and young leaders from all over the world are expected for this important meeting. The outcome of the event shall inspire and shape public policies and programmes in all countries.

“Together with other International NGOs, we have been lobbying for the recommendations from this conference to express the real needs of young people. The results are starting to be very clear.”, says Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Secretary General of the World Alliance of YMCAs. “Most people know the YMCA song. Today our message is much more. It is about empowering young people.

Rev. Dr.  Johan Vilhelm Eltvik,
Secretary General - World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)
e-mail: - Phone: +41 849 5100

Nicolae Pascaru,
President - The National Alliance of YMCA Moldova
e-mail: - Phone: +373 69 367 428

Juan Simoes Iglesias,
Secretary General - YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs)
e-mail: - Phone: +420 224 872 020

Working for social justice for all youth, regardless of religion, race, gender or culture, the World Alliance of YMCAs is a global ecumenical Movement with 45 million members in 125 countries worldwide. Founded in 1855, the World Alliance of YMCAs is the oldest and largest Movement for youth in the world.

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